Program Enrollment is the record of enrollment of a student in a given program and chosen courses for a particular Academic Term.
To ensure that students are associated with a particular program in the system, their Program Enrollment must be created. The mandatory course in that program is automatically filled in the Enrolled Courses table while the elective or optional courses can be selected manually.
If the student has applied online for the admission in a particular Program and the application is approved, then the Program Enrollment can be created from within the Student Applicant record via clicking on the Enroll button. Checkout Student Applicant for more information on this.
To access Program Enrollment, go to:
Home > Education > Admission > Program Enrollment
Before creating a Program Enrollment, it is advisable that you create the following first:
Select the mode of transportation for the student to and from the Institute and the Vehicle Number.
Select and add the courses which the student has opted to study during the course of the program.
Select and add the Academic Term, Fee Structure, Student Category, Fees Due Date and Fees Amount to be paid by the student for the enrollment to the course.